Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mobile Commerce

In recent years the internet has enabled users to conduct transactions anywhere at anytime, however nowadays people want and expect more. Consumers expect to be able to conduct transactions using almost any device with reliability, ease of use and in a timely manner. Mobile is the ability to be on the move and are any applications that can be used when on the move including PDA's, laptops, and mobile phone. Mobile commerce is the use of the internet for purchasing goods and services and also for transmitting messages using wireless mobile devices. This is enabled through mobile computing which allows phones, laptops, PDA's etc to access digital information on the internet from any location. Mobile commerce has become increasingly popular and one of the new ways in which people are communicating in todays world. Wireless technology including infrared, bluetooth, and wifi allow people to connect to the internet without the need to connect the device to an ethernet cable. Due to the ever increasing number of mobile phones in society today, mobile commerce is growing bigger and bigger. An additional aspect that is helping increase mobile commerce is the increase of WiFi hotspots in cities across the world, for example, hotspots available in Starbucks Cafes. The numbers participating in mobile commerce today are relatively small, however in the next few years with the increase of WiFi hotspots and city-wide hotspots on the rise, mobile commerce is the business to be in.

I will now embed a You Tube Video.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Presentation styles - Powerpoint is not your only choice

Up until now I have written seven blogs and for my eighth I didn't know what to blog about ( I believe the condition is known as blogger's block). In the end I decided to discuss new ways of presenting assignments for college assessments. It was only this year, in my final year of college, that I found out that there were different ways to present assignments not using the Microsoft Powerpoint platform. My class and I are studying E-Business and our continual assessment was based on marketing an educational information and communication technology company. The CEO of the company presented the company to the class in the medium of Prezi which is known as a zooming presentation editor. This is a very intuitive way of presenting and will stand out in a lecture where other students are using Microsoft Powerpoint. The other medium is called Pecha Kucha. This platform uses twenty slides each lasting twenty seconds. It is a fantastic platform lasting six minutes and fourth seconds per presentation so the presenters get straight to the point. I have used both Prezi and Pecha kucha and they are very user friendly. I would recommend both platforms to every student.

While browsing the internet I found a website which allowed me to write any text and then read it upside and backwards so I said I would give it a go. It is definitely something with a difference and quite unusual. Below you can see the results:

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The Online Adult Industry

The sex industry is estimated at up to $57 billion worldwide and $12 billion in the US. The sex industry is one of the leading industries in the world. Much attention has been brought to the adult industry recently due to the increasing activity online. Some facts in the online adult industry follow:
  • 25% of total daily search engine requests are porn-related
  • 8% of total e-mails are porn related
  • 12% of total websites are pornographic
  • Visits to pornographic sites have doubled between 2001 and 2005
  • Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites - 72 million annually
People visiting these sites generally fall into three cybersex user categories, recreational, sexually compulsive, and at-risk. The recreational user visits the sites a couple of hours per week for sexual entertainment but eventually experiences boredom and stops, however, this does not threaten their interpersonal relationships. The sexually compulsive user includes individuals with sexual problems. They see cybersex as a convenient, discrete and inexpensive way to overcome their issues and this can become out of control and initial problems can worsen. The at-risk group see cybersex as an effective way to deal with issues such as stress, depression, anxiety and may experience a sense of well being while online, a feeling of being unable to stop and a desire to spend more and more time online.
There is an argument stating that sex shaped the internet as it exists today and that the World Wide Web would not have grown so quickly if not for the online adult industry, however there is also controversy as to the future of the online adult industry and whether or not it should be banned. This topic has been debated for quite some time now. In my opinion, I think people should have the choice to view online adult sites. Now the question stands, should the sites be regulated more efficiently and effectively?