Monday, December 7, 2009

Presentation styles - Powerpoint is not your only choice

Up until now I have written seven blogs and for my eighth I didn't know what to blog about ( I believe the condition is known as blogger's block). In the end I decided to discuss new ways of presenting assignments for college assessments. It was only this year, in my final year of college, that I found out that there were different ways to present assignments not using the Microsoft Powerpoint platform. My class and I are studying E-Business and our continual assessment was based on marketing an educational information and communication technology company. The CEO of the company presented the company to the class in the medium of Prezi which is known as a zooming presentation editor. This is a very intuitive way of presenting and will stand out in a lecture where other students are using Microsoft Powerpoint. The other medium is called Pecha Kucha. This platform uses twenty slides each lasting twenty seconds. It is a fantastic platform lasting six minutes and fourth seconds per presentation so the presenters get straight to the point. I have used both Prezi and Pecha kucha and they are very user friendly. I would recommend both platforms to every student.

While browsing the internet I found a website which allowed me to write any text and then read it upside and backwards so I said I would give it a go. It is definitely something with a difference and quite unusual. Below you can see the results:

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˙ʇuǝpnʇs ʎɹǝʌǝ oʇ sɯɹoɟʇɐld ɥʇoq puǝɯɯoɔǝɹ plnoʍ ı ˙ʎlpuǝıɹɟ ɹǝsn ʎɹǝʌ ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ puɐ ɐɥɔnʞ ɐɥɔǝd puɐ ızǝɹd ɥʇoq pǝsn ǝʌɐɥ ı ˙ʇuıod ǝɥʇ oʇ ʇɥƃıɐɹʇs ʇǝƃ sɹǝʇuǝsǝɹd ǝɥʇ os uoıʇɐʇuǝsǝɹd ɹǝd spuoɔǝs ɥʇɹnoɟ puɐ sǝʇnuıɯ xıs ƃuıʇsɐl ɯɹoɟʇɐld ɔıʇsɐʇuɐɟ ɐ sı ʇı ˙spuoɔǝs ʎʇuǝʍʇ ƃuıʇsɐl ɥɔɐǝ sǝpıls ʎʇuǝʍʇ sǝsn ɯɹoɟʇɐld sıɥʇ ˙ɐɥɔnʞ ɐɥɔǝd pǝllɐɔ sı ɯnıpǝɯ ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ ˙ʇuıodɹǝʍod ʇɟosoɹɔıɯ ƃuısn ǝɹɐ sʇuǝpnʇs ɹǝɥʇo ǝɹǝɥʍ ǝɹnʇɔǝl ɐ uı ʇno puɐʇs llıʍ puɐ ƃuıʇuǝsǝɹd ɟo ʎɐʍ ǝʌıʇınʇuı ʎɹǝʌ ɐ sı sıɥʇ ˙ɹoʇıpǝ uoıʇɐʇuǝsǝɹd ƃuıɯooz ɐ sɐ uʍouʞ sı ɥɔıɥʍ ızǝɹd ɟo ɯnıpǝɯ ǝɥʇ uı ssɐlɔ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʎuɐdɯoɔ ǝɥʇ pǝʇuǝsǝɹd ʎuɐdɯoɔ ǝɥʇ ɟo oǝɔ ǝɥʇ ˙ʎuɐdɯoɔ ʎƃolouɥɔǝʇ uoıʇɐɔıunɯɯoɔ puɐ uoıʇɐɯɹoɟuı lɐuoıʇɐɔnpǝ uɐ ƃuıʇǝʞɹɐɯ uo pǝsɐq sɐʍ ʇuǝɯssǝssɐ lɐnuıʇuoɔ ɹno puɐ ssǝuısnq-ǝ ƃuıʎpnʇs ǝɹɐ ı puɐ ssɐlɔ ʎɯ ˙ɯɹoɟʇɐld ʇuıodɹǝʍod ʇɟosoɹɔıɯ ǝɥʇ ƃuısn ʇou sʇuǝɯuƃıssɐ ʇuǝsǝɹd oʇ sʎɐʍ ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ǝɹǝʍ ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ ʇno punoɟ ı ʇɐɥʇ 'ǝƃǝlloɔ ɟo ɹɐǝʎ lɐuıɟ ʎɯ uı 'ɹɐǝʎ sıɥʇ ʎluo sɐʍ ʇı ˙sʇuǝɯssǝssɐ ǝƃǝlloɔ ɹoɟ sʇuǝɯuƃıssɐ ƃuıʇuǝsǝɹd ɟo sʎɐʍ ʍǝu ssnɔsıp oʇ pǝpıɔǝp ı puǝ ǝɥʇ uı ˙(ʞɔolq s,ɹǝƃƃolq sɐ uʍouʞ sı uoıʇıpuoɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʌǝılǝq ı ) ʇnoqɐ ƃolq oʇ ʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇ,upıp ı ɥʇɥƃıǝ ʎɯ ɹoɟ puɐ sƃolq uǝʌǝs uǝʇʇıɹʍ ǝʌɐɥ ı ʍou lıʇun dn

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